Thursday, June 11, 2009

{YouCreateFreedom} The Fastest Growing 2X2 Matrix, Just Launched On 6-6-09 !!

Tired of selling, tired of explaining, tired of not making any money? Well, this is it. This 2X2 Matrix is EXPLODING and taking the Internet by storm. Jut launched last Saturday, this is your chance to finally make some serious money on the internet, and get paid DAILY! That's right, they pay out daily. Earn one hundred dollars every person you bring in, or the company brings into your matrix, six hundred for every six people, and get paid daily!
Check it out at, and call me if you have any questions.

To Your 2X2 Success!
Dave Dube

Friday, January 9, 2009

Marketing Is Everything, Marketing With The Right System Is The Key To Your Success!


When the Betamax first came out it was the best video tape machine ever. You could record audio at CD quality, and the video was pretty good too. VHS wasn't nearly as good but as we all know, nobody was using Beta except for the Canadians and it died. When the personal computer came into everybody's home, IBM used Microsoft Disk Operating System(MS-DOS) and Applle had the Macs. Again, Mac was by far the best of the two systems, but nobody except the Canadians and a few graphical artists used the Macs, and the Mac died.... well almost. Apple came out with iPods, then the new iMacs and now the iPhone and they're are back on the map.
The fact of the matter is that because you might have the best product, or compensation plan, or business, it doesn't matter if you don't have the best marketing system because marketing is everything!
VHS and PC's were promoted with the best marketing, sold more and over-powered the best of it's kind. And you can do the same with the right marketing system.
Check out MLMSystemPro and you'll see that you can rise to the top and beat out the competition, just because you are the best doesn't mean you'll WIN the competition.

To Your Success,
David Dube

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Goals, goals, goals - Part two of goals and why you should write them down.


Your new goals for 2009 have been made (I hope), and since you wrote them all down you should review them on a regular basis as well as review your goals from last year.
When you write a goal down, write down your ultimate goal, ie. if you want to get rich, why you want to get rich should be your goal as well as how. Have a plan that you will follow and review the direction you are taking to reach that goal(s) every three months of so, because things happen which can sometimes help you reach your goal faster & easier.
Take the time to research excacly WHY you decided on a particular goal, and the result will be more fulfilling and life changing.
To Your Success!
David Dube

You can have everything in life you want,
if you will just help other people get what they want”